Ray Cluster Interaction๏ƒ

The CodeFlare SDK offers multiple ways to interact with Ray Clusters including the below methods.


The get_cluster() function is used to initialise a Cluster object from a pre-existing Ray Cluster/AppWrapper. Below is an example of itโ€™s usage:

from codeflare_sdk import get_cluster
cluster = get_cluster(cluster_name="raytest", namespace="example", is_appwrapper=False, write_to_file=False)
-> output: Yaml resources loaded for raytest
-> output:
                    ๐Ÿš€ CodeFlare Cluster Status ๐Ÿš€
 โ”‚   Name                                                          โ”‚
 โ”‚   raytest                                           Active โœ…   โ”‚
 โ”‚                                                                 โ”‚
 โ”‚   URI: ray://raytest-head-svc.example.svc:10001                 โ”‚
 โ”‚                                                                 โ”‚
 โ”‚   Dashboard๐Ÿ”—                                                   โ”‚
 โ”‚                                                                 โ”‚
(<CodeFlareClusterStatus.READY: 1>, True)
cluster.up() # This function will create an exact copy of the retrieved Ray Cluster only if the Ray Cluster has been previously deleted.
These are the parameters the get_cluster() function accepts:
cluster_name: str # Required -> The name of the Ray Cluster.
namespace: str # Default: "default" -> The namespace of the Ray Cluster.
is_appwrapper: bool # Default: False -> When set to
True the function will attempt to retrieve an AppWrapper instead of a Ray Cluster.
write_to_file: bool # Default: False -> When set to True the Ray Cluster/AppWrapper will be written to a file similar to how it is done in ClusterConfiguration.


The list_all_queued() function returns (and prints by default) a list of all currently queued-up Ray Clusters in a given namespace.
It accepts the following parameters:
namespace: str # Required -> The namespace you want to retrieve the list from.
print_to_console: bool # Default: True -> Allows the user to print the list to their console.
appwrapper: bool # Default: False -> When set to True allows the user to list queued AppWrappers.


The list_all_clusters() function will return a list of detailed descriptions of Ray Clusters to the console by default.
It accepts the following parameters:
namespace: str # Required -> The namespace you want to retrieve the list from.
print_to_console: bool # Default: True -> A boolean that allows the user to print the list to their console.


The following methods require a Cluster object to be initialized. See Ray Cluster Configuration


The cluster.up() function creates a Ray Cluster in the given namespace.


The cluster.down() function deletes the Ray Cluster in the given namespace.


The cluster.status() function prints out the status of the Ray Clusterโ€™s state with a link to the Ray Dashboard.


The cluster.details() function prints out a detailed description of the Ray Clusterโ€™s status, worker resources and a link to the Ray Dashboard.


The cluster.wait_ready() function waits for the requested cluster to be ready, up to an optional timeout and checks every 5 seconds.
It accepts the following parameters:
timeout: Optional[int] # Default: None -> Allows the user to define a timeout for the wait_ready() function.
dashboard_check: bool # Default: True -> If enabled the wait_ready() function will wait until the Ray Dashboard is ready too.