codeflare_sdk.common.widgets package


codeflare_sdk.common.widgets.widgets module

The widgets sub-module contains the ui widgets created using the ipywidgets package.

class codeflare_sdk.common.widgets.widgets.RayClusterManagerWidgets(ray_clusters_df: DataFrame, namespace: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

The RayClusterManagerWidgets class is responsible for initialising the ToggleButtons, Button, and Output widgets. It also handles the user interactions and displays the cluster details. Used when calling the view_clusters function.

codeflare_sdk.common.widgets.widgets.cluster_up_down_buttons(cluster: Cluster) Button[source]

The cluster_up_down_buttons function returns two button widgets for a create and delete button. The function uses the appwrapper bool to distinguish between resource type for the tool tip.

codeflare_sdk.common.widgets.widgets.is_notebook() bool[source]

The is_notebook function checks if Jupyter Notebook environment variables exist in the given environment and return True/False based on that.

codeflare_sdk.common.widgets.widgets.view_clusters(namespace: str | None = None)[source]

view_clusters function will display existing clusters with their specs, and handle user interactions.

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