codeflare_sdk.ray.appwrapper package


codeflare_sdk.ray.appwrapper.awload module

The awload sub-module contains the definition of the AWManager object, which handles submission and deletion of existing AppWrappers from a user’s file system.

class codeflare_sdk.ray.appwrapper.awload.AWManager(filename: str)[source]

Bases: object

An object for submitting and removing existing AppWrapper yamls to be added to the Kueue localqueue.

remove() None[source]

Attempts to delete the AppWrapper custom resource matching the name in the yaml, if submitted by this manager.

submit() None[source]

Attempts to create the AppWrapper custom resource using the yaml file

codeflare_sdk.ray.appwrapper.status module

The status sub-module defines Enums containing information for AppWrapper states, as well as dataclasses to store information for AppWrappers.

class codeflare_sdk.ray.appwrapper.status.AppWrapper(name: str, status: AppWrapperStatus)[source]

Bases: object

For storing information about an AppWrapper.

name: str
status: AppWrapperStatus
class codeflare_sdk.ray.appwrapper.status.AppWrapperStatus(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Defines the possible reportable phases of an AppWrapper.

FAILED = 'failed'
RESETTING = 'resetting'
RESUMING = 'resuming'
RUNNING = 'running'
SUCCEEDED = 'succeeded'
SUSPENDED = 'suspended'
SUSPENDING = 'suspending'
TERMINATING = 'terminating'

Module contents